
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Calling All College Students And College Grads... And People Who Like Pie

Currently in my Sociology class, we have to interview a few people about how their freshman year of college was and what college you went to, so that's the point of this post! If you're reading and care to share in a few words or more that would be great! It could have been really awesome, or really shitty! That's the beauty of it! If, by chance you haven't received education at a college level, well you can just tell me your favorite kind of pie NOMNOMNOM. Feel free to contribute your favorite pie too college students and grads. I feel this post wouldn't be complete without lightening the mood, so we got Xzibit for that. Cheers! 


  1. I don't know if my comments went through, so I'm gonna post again. Feel free to delete the others if that's the case...

    Freshman year was fun but bad academically. I was deficient both semesters because I was playing halo all day every day. And, blackberry pie is the best.

  2. My freshman year so far has been an odd experience. It's such a major change. It's enjoyable but it's a hard adjustment to make. I'm doing well so far in my classes though, ended up with a 3.6 last semester so I'm proud of that.

  3. Pecan pie, cause dawg: I like to pecan while I pie so I can nut while I carb.

    Yeah, me neither. Meh!

  4. i recently found out that pecan pie is my favorite!

  5. OMG, PIE!

    Chocolate Oreo pie. A little hard to come by and the recipe varies, but the one I got this one time was just SO good. <3

  6. I'm still a freshman, but my first year has been good so far. I just get drunk a lot and classes are cake.

  7. Well i'm halfway into my first year so i'll give you a little bit of input. I enjoyed the new environment for a while, but because all my classes were in the same building, it became monotonous to go to class, even if it was 3 days out of the week. Now i'm taking four classes all in different buildings (including a sociology class too :p) and i'm enjoying that much much more. New faces and people to interact with instead of seeing the same people over and over again. I'm also quite partial to fruit pies. Especially apple.

  8. I fucked off more than high school and got better grades. I was honestly unprepared and was rushed into it for the momentum myth. In my desperation for stability I dated an asshole for way too long and am just now barely getting back on my feet.

    Also: Only funny YoDawg I've seen.

  9. I am just about to start my second year at Southern Cross University studying environmental science. Really enjoyed first year, but I studied second semester by distance education because I live about 60km from the campus. They have great electronic resources and you can attend all the lectures etc electronically, however I found I missed the social aspect of studying on campus a great deal, and also missed the ability to easily confer with people after class to consolidate understanding. I'm definitely going to go back on campus this year.

  10. Well, I'm a student of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
    My first semester was great. You get to live on your own and I was really motivated to keep my scores high.
    Second semester got a bit lazy. :D
    That's my first year. :D
    Oh, and my gf makes this wonderful chocolate pie. The best thing ever. Omnomnom. :D

    Following and supporting.

  11. I never went to college. Joined the military after high school, and done nothing with my life ever since. :(

    With that being said, I love pie!

  12. Enjoy your freshman year, everybody, because it does get harder along the way.

  13. I got mono and had to withdraw from studies. Good times. Good times.

  14. My freshman year was...interesting, to say the least. I go to a party-heavy school, but I don't party at all, so it was strange being surrounded by it all the time. More than that, though, I had a bad roommate experience my first semester. Class-wise, though, I really enjoyed it, and I kept taking language classes with upperclassmen, so I got adjusted to the seniority differences pretty quickly.

    Also, apple pie. :P

  15. freshman year has so far been meh..


  16. My freshman year was great! It was the first time i got laid. Great blog btw
